End the War in Iraq
I've been busy just keeping up with everyday work these days, so I haven't passed on much political news in some time. Perhaps that might be best, but I can't keep some of the recent days news to myself any longer.
Let me start with the latest news on the Court Martial of Lt. Ehren Watada. Did you read that the Army has decided to retry him again even after the first judge declared a mistrial?! Watada's lawyer argued then that double jeopardy should protect him from a second trial, but the Army is ignoring that and plowing ahead with a second trial. We'll have to see if there really is a thing called military justice.

In other news, you doubtlessly have heard or read that:
This is despite the Congressional elections, polls, and any common sense.
Since things are so bad, I feel a need to pass on parts of an e-mail newsletter from World Can't Wait/NION announcing the following events:
Wednesday, March 14, 11:30-1:15
Teach-In: "Impeach Bush for War Crimes" UH-Manoa Art Department Auditorium Sponsored by World Can't Wait and NION-Hawai`i

End the War NOW Rally and March
Meet at Ala Moana Park (Diamond Head end across from Macy's)
Rally at 3pm; March begins at 4pm; Concert immediately after the march
Other events:
Friday, March 9: 2nd in the Mililani Trask Symposium Series. Focuses on the history of the UN's Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. Richardson School of Law. 4:30-8 pm. Free
Sunday, March 11: 3 pm. 2nd Sunday at Revolution Books.
Special guest author/speaker: Monisha DasGupta
Monisha will speak on her newly published book: Unruly Immigrants: Rights, Activism, and Transnational South Asian Politics in the United States. Monisha teaches in Ethnic Studies and Women's Studies and is also active in the struggle for immigrant rights and against the war. For more info: 944-3106
Sunday, March 11: 4 pm. Lecture by Sister Helen Prejean
Mystic Rose Chapel, Chaminade University
A free public lecture by Sister Helen Prejean the outspoken death-penalty opponent and author of Dead Man Walking.
Tuesday, March 13 Talk by Ann Wright at Windward Community College
An event Celebrating Women's History Month at Windward Community College WCC, Room 107, 12:40 pm
Talk by Ann Wright on her opposition to the Iraq war, and and her resignation from her position as a U.S. State Dept diplomat in 2003.
Wednesday, March 14, 11:30 am.
Impeach Bush for War Crimes
Teach-in at UH-Manoa Art Department Auditorium, featuring special guest Ann Wright.
Friday, March 16, 4:30-6pm
Signholding at the Federal Building
Friday, March 16: 3rd in the Mililani Trask Symposium Series
"Racism in United States Jurisprudence."
William S. Richardson School of Law, 4:30-8pm. Free.
Saturday, March 17: March and Rally at Ala Moana Park:
Rally at Picnic Area #1 (across from Macy's) at 3 pm; permitted street march begins at 4pm; concert/rally at Ala Moana Park immediately following the march. Call 534-CALL for information.
Saturday, March 17: Media Justice Conference sponsored by People's Fund.
9am to 4pm: Kapi`olani Community College, Ohi`a Building (cafeteria). Registration begins at 8:30 am; $15 advanced; $20 at the door. A conference to increase awareness of media justice, to understand local challenges, and provide opportunities for networking. For more info e-mail or call 845-4800.
Saturday, March 17: Youth Speaks Hawai`i Grand Slam Final 2007
Kaimuki HS Auditorium, 6 pm; $5 youth; $7 general
20+ poets will compete to be among the 6 who will represent Hawai`i in San Francisco
Sunday, March 18, 2pm Kamau, a play by Alani Apio
Kumu Kahua Theatre, 46 Merchant Street, $25
(a fundraiser for The People's Fund)
A complex and poignant story of tradition, change and land development centered around Hawai`i. Panel and audience discussion follows with playwright Alani Apio, director Harry Wong and UH Hawaiian Studies professor Jonathan Kamakawiwo`ole Osorio. Regular performances start Thur 3/15. Runs through Sun 4/15).
Friday, March 23, 7 pm: "The United States vs. George W. Bush et al.
First Unitarian Church (2500 Pali Hwy)
Let me start with the latest news on the Court Martial of Lt. Ehren Watada. Did you read that the Army has decided to retry him again even after the first judge declared a mistrial?! Watada's lawyer argued then that double jeopardy should protect him from a second trial, but the Army is ignoring that and plowing ahead with a second trial. We'll have to see if there really is a thing called military justice.

In other news, you doubtlessly have heard or read that:
US Defence Secretary Robert Gates has approved a request for an extra 2,200 military police to support the security drive in Iraq's capital, Baghdad. Speaking to Congress, Mr Gates said the deployment would be in addition to the nearly 24,000 combat troops and support personnel approved by President Bush.(quote from the BBC)
This is despite the Congressional elections, polls, and any common sense.
Since things are so bad, I feel a need to pass on parts of an e-mail newsletter from World Can't Wait/NION announcing the following events:
Wednesday, March 14, 11:30-1:15
Teach-In: "Impeach Bush for War Crimes" UH-Manoa Art Department Auditorium Sponsored by World Can't Wait and NION-Hawai`i
The teach-in will begin with a 27-minute DVD segment of testimony presented at the Bush Crimes Commission in NYC. Witnesses presenting testimony in the video include: Scott Ritter, former UN weapons inspector; Amy Bartholomew, professor of law, Carleton University; Larry Everest, author of Oil, Power & Empire; Dahr Jamail, independent journalist; Jeremy Scahill, writer for The Nation and former correspondent for Democracy Now!; Camilo Mejia, Iraq vet and member of Iraq Veterans Against the War; David Swanson, organizer of Camp Democracy; Dr. Thomas Fasy, Mt. Sinai School of Medicine and expert on depleted uranium. This is a powerful DVD that everyone should own. You can purchase a complete set of the DVDs at: Bush Commission for only $20. Or you can pick burned copies at the teach-in for $5.
The teach-in will feature a talk by Ann Wright (former State Dept diplomat and retired Army Reserve Colonel who resigned in opposition to the war in Iraq). Ann was a judge at the Bush Crimes Tribunal, as well as at other war crimes tribunals. She has met with hundreds of veterans of the Iraq War. Since the war in Iraq began she has been speaking at colleges, anti-war rallies, and churches, and is involved in building a grassroots movement to impeach. Check out her article "Blood Diamonds and Blood Oil" dated March 6, 2007 at: Ann Wright. "We're really privileged to have Ann speak at this teach-in at UH-Manoa! Don't miss it!

End the War NOW Rally and March
Meet at Ala Moana Park (Diamond Head end across from Macy's)
Rally at 3pm; March begins at 4pm; Concert immediately after the march
It is crucial that we all join forces and make our voices heard on March 17th, the 4th anniversary of the war on Iraq. On February 15, 2003 millions of us marched against the war on Iraq. We failed to stop it, but we were a powerful international voice of opposition. And while time has proven just how illegal and unjust the war is, and the majority of people are now against it, the war is continuing and [Bush] is now threatening to attack Iran. Once again, we must hit the streets to demand an end to the war in Iraq NOW, and stop plans to attack Iran.
Other events:
Friday, March 9: 2nd in the Mililani Trask Symposium Series. Focuses on the history of the UN's Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. Richardson School of Law. 4:30-8 pm. Free
Sunday, March 11: 3 pm. 2nd Sunday at Revolution Books.
Special guest author/speaker: Monisha DasGupta
Monisha will speak on her newly published book: Unruly Immigrants: Rights, Activism, and Transnational South Asian Politics in the United States. Monisha teaches in Ethnic Studies and Women's Studies and is also active in the struggle for immigrant rights and against the war. For more info: 944-3106
Sunday, March 11: 4 pm. Lecture by Sister Helen Prejean
Mystic Rose Chapel, Chaminade University
A free public lecture by Sister Helen Prejean the outspoken death-penalty opponent and author of Dead Man Walking.
Tuesday, March 13 Talk by Ann Wright at Windward Community College
An event Celebrating Women's History Month at Windward Community College WCC, Room 107, 12:40 pm
Talk by Ann Wright on her opposition to the Iraq war, and and her resignation from her position as a U.S. State Dept diplomat in 2003.
Wednesday, March 14, 11:30 am.
Impeach Bush for War Crimes
Teach-in at UH-Manoa Art Department Auditorium, featuring special guest Ann Wright.
Friday, March 16, 4:30-6pm
Signholding at the Federal Building
Friday, March 16: 3rd in the Mililani Trask Symposium Series
"Racism in United States Jurisprudence."
William S. Richardson School of Law, 4:30-8pm. Free.
Saturday, March 17: March and Rally at Ala Moana Park:
Rally at Picnic Area #1 (across from Macy's) at 3 pm; permitted street march begins at 4pm; concert/rally at Ala Moana Park immediately following the march. Call 534-CALL for information.
Saturday, March 17: Media Justice Conference sponsored by People's Fund.
9am to 4pm: Kapi`olani Community College, Ohi`a Building (cafeteria). Registration begins at 8:30 am; $15 advanced; $20 at the door. A conference to increase awareness of media justice, to understand local challenges, and provide opportunities for networking. For more info e-mail or call 845-4800.
Saturday, March 17: Youth Speaks Hawai`i Grand Slam Final 2007
Kaimuki HS Auditorium, 6 pm; $5 youth; $7 general
20+ poets will compete to be among the 6 who will represent Hawai`i in San Francisco
Sunday, March 18, 2pm Kamau, a play by Alani Apio
Kumu Kahua Theatre, 46 Merchant Street, $25
(a fundraiser for The People's Fund)
A complex and poignant story of tradition, change and land development centered around Hawai`i. Panel and audience discussion follows with playwright Alani Apio, director Harry Wong and UH Hawaiian Studies professor Jonathan Kamakawiwo`ole Osorio. Regular performances start Thur 3/15. Runs through Sun 4/15).
Friday, March 23, 7 pm: "The United States vs. George W. Bush et al.
First Unitarian Church (2500 Pali Hwy)
A performance of retired Federal Prosecutor, Elizabeth de la Vega's mock Grand Jury indictment of George W. Bush et al. Featuring a terse dialog between prosecutor and witnesses, with prominent local actors reading the parts of this courtroom drama. The first 20 people in the house will become mock Jurists and may even have a dialog as a part of the performance. No admission and free parking, but because there's limited seating you should make your reservations by e-mail (uuchurch@hawaii.rr.com). For more info phone 347-3249.
1 Comment(s):
Petition: End the war
Could there be a more direct form of democracy?
The moment we the people lose our faith in our ability to rule OUR country is the moment we truly lose. We will put an end to the political lies and propaganda; let us unite for an America where the people are the true authority. Let us regain our rule and regain OUR American Ideals. This is only a fantasy if you let it be a fantasy. United we can change this land for the better - and stop doubting, our forefathers did it against all odds surely we are not going to lay down and die so easily just because some loser has become president?
Do not just read this, but act ~spread the message to regain our American ideals and our American way.
Please write a comment here whether you sign or not, voice your view on the War.
My profile http://www.myspace.com/barbaroskraven (Add me)
barbaros, at Saturday, May 12, 2007 2:52:00 PM
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