Amnesty International Screening
I imagine most of my many, many blog readers are busy this Friday. If not; however, consider yourself invited to a meeting of the campus Amnesty International student Chapter. We'll be screening The Torture Question, a 90 min. Frontline documentary about conditions in the Abu Ghraib between 4 and 6 pm in Campus Center Room 306. I feel bad that I'll actually have to duck out early for another meeting (I've seen this already though).
Today, AI Student Chapter President Aleina (shown above) and I ran a booth at the Student Center. I haven't done this kind of thing in years. It was good to meet a few people who are also interested in human rights. On the other hand, I was reminded how awkward I feel; trying to smile and be approachable at a booth. Sigh. I suppose it is all for a good cause.

Today, AI Student Chapter President Aleina (shown above) and I ran a booth at the Student Center. I haven't done this kind of thing in years. It was good to meet a few people who are also interested in human rights. On the other hand, I was reminded how awkward I feel; trying to smile and be approachable at a booth. Sigh. I suppose it is all for a good cause.
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