The 2007 Festival of Resistance
It has been a busy summer and fall. Now that I am serving as LIS Program Chair my e-mailbox continues to overflow. This is frustrating, but I'm getting the hang of it. I hope that I can be a good chair. I am trying to work on a vision as chair, but also want to make progress on research and the like. I'm also enjoying teaching our first archival seminar.
In other news, the Festival of Resistance will be on campus on Wednesday, (5 Sept.):

I just read an e-mail that our GWB will be in Oahu on Saturday. I won't be out at Hickam Air Force Base to greet him with an antiwar message, but might try to catch a bit of reggae or antiwar poems. A little but if socially engaged poetry is good for the spirit.
Speaking of poetry, Beat Generation Bookseller / Publisher/ Poet/ Scholar Lawrence Ferlinghetti is the topic of today's Democracy Now. It is an interesting 1-hour long interview.
In other news, the Festival of Resistance will be on campus on Wednesday, (5 Sept.):

Tables and displays will be up between 10am and 2pm. Films will be showing at Hemenway Theatre from 10-12:30, and then again from about 2-4. The forum is scheduled from 12:30 to 1:30 (and may run a little over).
Don't miss the concert and slam poets in the evening beginning at 5pm. The line-up will be Mass Dissent, Golfcart Rebellion, Black Square [as seen above], and then Rob K and his Co-conspirators. The concert was moved from Campus Center to Manoa Gardens, where you can get refreshments. Mass Dissent and Golfcart Rebellion are both punk bands; Black Square is ska. Rob K defies description -- rock-rockabilly-punk-rant? He'll close the show (probably 8-9), and while he may be constrained by a lack of rafters to swing from, we're sure he'll put on an amazing show.
I just read an e-mail that our GWB will be in Oahu on Saturday. I won't be out at Hickam Air Force Base to greet him with an antiwar message, but might try to catch a bit of reggae or antiwar poems. A little but if socially engaged poetry is good for the spirit.
Speaking of poetry, Beat Generation Bookseller / Publisher/ Poet/ Scholar Lawrence Ferlinghetti is the topic of today's Democracy Now. It is an interesting 1-hour long interview.
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"10am - 2pm
Information Tables & Displays
Campus Center Mall, 2nd Floor
Connect with campus and community organizations, including World Can't Wait Hawa`i, ACLU, Stop UARC, Friends of Sabeel, Revolution Books, AFSC, Progressive Democrats of Hawai`i, DMZ-Aloha`Aina, Korea Truth Commission, Hawai`i Friends of Kucinich, KAHEA Environmental Alliance, AnakBayan and more.
10am to 4pm
Hemenway Theatre Films
10-11:30am: "Sir! No Sir!"
If you want to end a war - the story of GI Resistance in the 60's
11:30-12:30: "Bush Crimes Commission Testimony" YES, Bush has committed war crimes and crimes against humanity. An excellent film highlighting testimony from the Bush Crimes Commission. Includes testimony on the war on Iraq, torture and detention, global warming, world health, Katrina and more. Don't miss this one!
1:30-2:30: "The Ground Truth". A powerful film featuring seventeen stories told by vets who have recently returned from Iraq. Produced by Iraq Vets Against the War
3:00-4:00: "Loose Change II". What happened on 9/11? Check out this provocative perspective.
Forum: "Connecting the Dots - From the War in Iraq to the Superferry"
12:30-1:30: Hemenway Theatre
"The Legalization of Torture", Laura Lysons (Prof, UH-Manoa)
"The Militarization of Hawai`i" - Kyle Kajihiro (AFSC Hawai`i/DMZ-Hawai`i
"The Attack on the University and Critical Thinking" - Kristen Clyne-Hamitouche (World Can't Wait)
"Navy Sonar and Whales" Marti Townsend (Director, KAHEA Environmental Alliance)
"No War on Iran" by Scott Cade (Vietnam Vets Against the War-AI)
"The 'War on Terrorism' is a War on the People", Carolyn Hadfield (RCP-USA)
"Build the Movement of Resistance!", Liz Rees (World Can't Wait)
5-9 pm: Concert @ Manoa Gardens
emcee'd by Cee
Bands: Mass Dissent, Golfcart Rebellion, Black Square, Rob K & his co-conspirators
Slam Poets
Free and open to everyone! Come during the day and check out the tables, films and forum. Drop in at Manoa Gardens in the evening for the concert. (Bale's will be open for food and drinks.)
WEAR ORANGE! Declare Yourself Now!
Dr. Drew, at Tuesday, September 04, 2007 12:34:00 AM
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