Dr. Drew's Infrequent Blog

20 April 2006

Amnesty International Screening

I imagine most of my many, many blog readers are busy this Friday. If not; however, consider yourself invited to a meeting of the campus Amnesty International student Chapter. We'll be screening The Torture Question, a 90 min. Frontline documentary about conditions in the Abu Ghraib between 4 and 6 pm in Campus Center Room 306. I feel bad that I'll actually have to duck out early for another meeting (I've seen this already though).

Recruiting for Amnesty International (1).

Today, AI Student Chapter President Aleina (shown above) and I ran a booth at the Student Center. I haven't done this kind of thing in years. It was good to meet a few people who are also interested in human rights. On the other hand, I was reminded how awkward I feel; trying to smile and be approachable at a booth. Sigh. I suppose it is all for a good cause.

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