Dr. Drew's Infrequent Blog

25 July 2006


Safed Schul

The news out of the Middle East is so frustrating. I've walked the streets of Haifa, Safed (Zefat) (shown above) and even Nahariya, so I can imagine the anxiety facing Israelis. However, even from a pragmatic perspective I don't see how Israel could end the Katyusha attacks. Yes, Hezbollah is criminal in launching missiles from civilian neighborhoods, but that does not excuse the civilian death toll in Lebanon.

The State Department has to join the rest of the UN in calling for a cease-fire, and then try to resolve this problem.

Ceasefire - Lebanon/Israel

Bibelot Gallery

Bibelot Gallery

Since returning I've been wading through my mail. I received sad news that Honolulu's finest art gallery, Bibleot closed this month. Paul, Tom, and his mom had a fun place with funky artwork, and introduced me to the best potters in Hawaii. I am sad to see it go even though I did not visit so often this past year.

Most of our remaining art galleries seem to feauture neon oil paintings of jumping whales or copies of Hawaiian art -- all overpriced for tourists. Bibelot always had a range of affordable art for those of us who are just starting out. They were also very real people who enjoyed to talk with folks.