Congratulations LIS Graduates!

May gradingfest continues (sigh), but I wanted to say Congratulations to the class of 2007! I have more photos at flickr.

Changing topics, it was interesting to reflect on the address by the commencement speaker, Dr. B. E. Pruitt. The University of Texas A&M Professor was primarily introduced to the faculty beforehand as a specialist on abstinence education. Interim Chancellor Konan also mentioned that State Senator Gabbard (famous for his anti-same-sex marriage activism) was also attending that day, so I jumped to the conclusion that the presentation probably would be something supporting a neocon moral agenda. The Bush Admin. has spent millions on abstinence education, despite the fact that several studies have challenged its effectiveness. What I did not know was that Professor Pruitt had published government-financed studies which demonstrated they don't work. Even before I learned that (on Monday morning) I was pleased with his presentation. He called for graduates not only to "go forth" -- as usual -- but encouraged them not to be afraid of engaging in the political process. He also encouraged grads to challenge themselves to dialog with people with different political opinions. I could not have agreed more.
OK, that's all for today. Have a great summer everyone!