Dr. Drew's Infrequent Blog

13 January 2007

Attention "Radical Reference" or Zine Librarians

Just in case any of you are interested in zine librarianship or progressive librarianship -- and will be in Honolulu next week, I wanted to let you know that Jenna Freedman of Radical Reference, the Barnard College Library Zine Collection and the ALA Social Responsibilities Round Table (SRRT), she'll be in town briefly doing some training.

Elena and some other LIS students might get together to meet her. I'm not sure if ALA-SC will co-sponsor this event, but it should be interesting. I'm sure they'd love to meet alumni and other library workers. In fact, this might be a great launch for our own Hawaii Library Association SRRT Chapter.

12 January 2007

Restaurant Review: Bistro Sun

Bistro Sun

I know it might sound funny, but I loved eating Italian-style food in Japan. Japanese chefs somehow know what al dente really means, and we had some interesting pizzas and other dishes... so I've really been wondering what Bistro Sun (920 Sheridan) would be like. We decided to try it tonight.

The décor was promising -- something between a bar and a Soho gallery.

We ordered two dishes Pasta Pescatore (which had the best ika rings and fine al dente pasta), but we waited 1 hour before giving up on the Pizza Margarita.

I don't remember the last time I walked out on a restaurant, but this was incredible, especially considering that the place was not very busy. I am happy that they must make items from scratch, but it seemed as if the waitstaff just ignored us after a half hour. They didn't apologize until I pointed out when it had been 55 minutes. At that point they offered a free desert tonight or the next time. We declined the offer. I don't think there will be a next time for us. Sigh...

10 January 2007

Bush & I Agree on One Thing

Make Lo'i Not War

Yes, President Bush & I Agree on One Thing: "It is clear that we need to change our strategy in Iraq." Did you catch his "surge" address today? I heard most of it. Yes, he sort of admitted mistakes:

Where mistakes have been made, the responsibility rests with me.

but he decided to compound any "mistakes" by sending over 20,000 more American soldiers to Iraq. The people clearly voted against this in the last election. It is time for Congress and the Nation to end this Occupation, which is fueling civil war in Iraq.

If you want to hear a more intelligent speech, check out Sen. Edward "Ted" Kennedy's National Press Club address. (There is a longer version online at C-SPAN).

I hope that our legislators will strongly support his efforts to pass:

The legislation claims the people’s right to a full voice in the President’s plan to send more troops into the Iraq civil war. It says that no funds can be spent to send additional troops to Iraq unless Congress approves the President’s proposed escalation of American forces. [Source]

I hope and assume that our Senators Inouye and Akaka would support this along with Representatives Abercrombie and Hirono would support Kennedy's bill. They continue to make me proud to be a Hawai'i voter.